Note: The AppExchange package is currently not available for free trial users. If you are looking for the Classic Experience installation guide, click here.
After installing the OneMob AppExchange package, follow these steps to configure OneMob on Salesforce while in the Lightning Experience.
1. Pre-Authorize User Profiles
(If you are on Salesforce Group or Professional Edition, skip this step)
1. Click Setup (click the gear icon on the top right and should appear in the drop down)
2. Type “Connected Apps” in the quick search on the left sidebar. Click Manage Connected Apps > OneMob > Edit Policies
4. Under the Permitted Users dropdown, select Admin Approved users are pre-authorized. Click Save.
5. You should have been returned to the Connected App Detail page. Scroll down to the "Profiles" section and click on Manage Profiles. Add any profiles you want to allow OneMob access to. Scroll down and click Save once profiles have been selected. (Recommended to add all profiles.)
2. Add “Send OneMob” button to Lead Detail Page Layout
(If you are on Salesforce Group or Professional Edition, skip this step)
1. Click Setup (click the gear icon on the top right and should appear in the drop down)
2. Click the Object Manager tab (right of Home tab) and type “Lead” in the quick find on the right sidebar. Click Lead. Click on Page Layouts on the left sidebar.
3. Click Edit next to the Lead page layout you want to add the Send OneMob button to.
4. Under "Lead Layout", click Buttons from the left hand list, then drag and drop the Send OneMob button into the “Custom Buttons” area.
3. Add "Send OneMob" button to Lead List Views
(If you are on Salesforce Group or Professional Edition, skip this step)
1. While still in "Lead", click Search Layouts from the left sidebar. Note: You will need to do the same actions for Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic in the left sidebar.
2. Click the down arrow next to Default Layout, click Edit. Note: While in Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic, click Edit for List View (second image).
3. Select the “Send OneMob” button under Available Buttons. Click Add to add the “Send OneMob” button under Selected Buttons. Then click Save.
Reminder: Do these same actions for Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic in the left sidebar.
To summarize, four things occurred here (unless you were instructed to skip):
- User Profiles were Authorized to use OneMob.
- The Send OneMob button was added to the Lead Detail Layout.
- Another Send OneMob button was added to the List View (list of Leads/Contacts).
***IMPORTANT: To complete your Post Installation, please repeat step 2 and 3 for Contacts and Opportunities (e.g., instead of searching for "Lead" in the quick find, search for "Contact", or "Opportunity"). For Accounts, please repeat step 2 (e.g., instead of searching for "Lead" in the quick find, search for "Account").***
Additionally, if you are receiving an error when trying to send a OneMob from within Salesforce you may need to whitelist the following IP address: . To whitelist the IP address in your Salesforce, follow the directions shown here in the Salesforce support site.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach us here!